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Navigating the NCLEX: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid on Exam Day

Nursing students

The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a significant milestone for every nursing graduate aspiring to become a licensed nurse. This exam has a comprehensive format to evaluate a candidate's readiness to practice nursing safely and effectively. The stakes are undeniably high, and the pressure can sometimes lead to avoidable mistakes. In this blog, we'll explore some of the top mistakes to avoid on your exam day and provide you with strategies to overcome them.

1. Insufficient Preparation

One of the most significant pitfalls for many NCLEX candidates is underestimating the breadth of content covered on the exam. In 2023, first-time U.S.-educated test-takers had a pass rate of over 83%, compared to their counterparts who repeated the test and passed at a rate of only about 42%. Many factors contribute to the low pass rate for repeat test-takers, but the bottom line is that you must prepare adequately and aim to pass on your first attempt for your best chance at passing the NCLEX.

Tip: Comprehensive Review and Practice

To avoid this common mistake, thoroughly review all content areas, not just the topics you feel comfortable with. According to a study of the association between study time and final grades, study time plays a substantial role in achieving excellent final marks, and its impact is more significant than that of course load.

A well-organized timeline can also help you manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and increase your confidence as exam day approaches. Utilize various study materials, including books, online courses, and practice tests.

2. Poor Time Management

The NCLEX tests your nursing knowledge and your ability to manage time effectively. Some test-takers spend too much time on early questions, leaving them rushed in the latter part of the exam or rushing through questions without giving them adequate thought.

Tip: Pacing Strategies

Develop a pacing strategy before you sit for the exam. If you have 6 hours to complete the test, plan how long you'll spend on each section. During practice sessions, simulate the exam conditions and keep track of your timing to build and adjust your strategy as needed.

3. Letting Anxiety Take Over

Exam anxiety is a common issue that affects many test-takers and can significantly impact performance. According to Nurse Journal, NCLEX anxiety can manifest in different ways, and you might have signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Physical tension, especially in your neck, shoulders, and back

  • A feeling that your gut is clenching

  • Changes in your appetite, such as eating more or less than usual

  • Thinking about the examination when you should be thinking about other things

  • Worrying that you won’t do well

  • Frequent waking during the night

Tip: Relaxation and Mindfulness Techniques

Implement relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or progressive muscle relaxation during preparation and before the exam. These strategies can help manage anxiety levels and improve your test performance by keeping your mind clear and focused.

4. Overlooking the NCLEX Format

Some candidates might focus solely on content preparation, neglecting to familiarize themselves with the NCLEX's unique format. The NCLEX uses a Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) system that adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the test-taker's performance.

Tip: Understand the CAT System

Understanding how the CAT system works is crucial to avoiding being caught off guard. Take practice tests that simulate this format to get comfortable with how questions are presented and how they adjust based on your answers.

5. Neglecting Physical and Mental Prep

Finally, a common mistake is not caring for your physical and mental health before the exam. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and inadequate hydration can all impair cognitive function and focus.

Tip: Holistic Preparation

Ensure you get a good night's sleep before the exam day, eat a balanced meal that includes complex carbohydrates and proteins, and stay hydrated. Also, give yourself enough time to get to the testing center without rushing, reducing any additional stress.


Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly enhance your chances of passing the NCLEX. Remember, preparation goes beyond knowing the material; it involves understanding the testing format, managing your time and anxiety, and caring for your overall well-being. By addressing these areas, you can tackle the NCLEX confidently and competently. Good luck!

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